Dimensions Variable, case

    Dimensions Variable: To Transcribe Time

Dimensions Variable is performed by arranging and activating given “units of time.” Using the performers’ bodies and the space as a medium, it explores the dimensionality and the malleability of time. Dimensions Variable: To Transcribe Time is a documentation of the work in an unspecific tense, as well as a score for its future realizations. The publication consists of a set of instructions that define “units of time”; examples of time-scales formed by the different arrangements of the units of time; and a supplementary text by Kim Haeju, who muses on the theme of time and measurement.

  • English edition
  • ISBN 978-89-93061-36-9 93600
  • Edition of 300
  • 30,000 won
  • Korean edition
  • ISBN 978-89-93061-35-2 93600
  • Edition of 300
  • 30,000 won
  • Supplement:
  • Kim Haeju

Dimensions Variable, booklet

Dimensions Variable, bookletDimensions Variable, bookletDimensions Variable, booklet

Dimensions Variable, instruction cardDimensions Variable, instruction cardDimensions Variable, instruction cardDimensions Variable, instruction cardDimensions Variable, instruction cardDimensions Variable, instruction card

Dimensions Variable, booklet