Future Art
- 2016
- offset lithograph, adhesive bound
- 112 x 180 mm, 624 pp
Addressing issues such as theater, dance, body, language, stage, reality, and the audience, this book attempts to ask questions about the art of the future – or art as the future.
The cover is nearly as thin as the leaves, and this fragile feeling is counterbalanced by the bold interior typography. The text-free front cover features the poetry-reading humanoid robot in Oriza Hirata’s play Sayonara (2010). In the second print cover further zooms in on the figure, suggesting the sense of nearing the future.
- Project type:
- publication
- Authors:
- Seo Hyun-Suk and Kim Seonghee
- Typefaces:
- FF Balance
- SM Gyeonchulgothic
- SM Junggothic
- Printer:
- Intime
- Commissioners:
- Kim Seonghee
- Specter Press
- Workroom Press
- Workroom Specter
- Exhibitions:
- Graphic West 9: Sulki & Min (Kyoto DDD Gallery, 2021)
- Group Theory (DDP, Seoul, 2021–22)
- Sulki & Min: Clarifying & Obscuring (Transtage, Hangzhou, 2024)
- See also:
- Publisher’s web page