

    no. 6

Ob.scene is a performing arts journal focused on the “things out of the stage.” Ob.scene no. 6 is a printed response to the previous issue, which took the form of an installation-performance in a physical space. The text is a collage of quotes from other books, films, or songs. The sources range from Bataille and Bejamin to Barthes and Badiou, from Reich’s musicology to Kim Jong-il’s architectural theory, from Matsuo Bashō’s seventeenth-century haiku to Baudelaire’s nineteenth-century poem, from Lewis Carroll’s nineteen-century novel to Borges’s twentieth-century novel, and from Antonioni’s twentieth-century film to Herzog’s twenty-first-century documentary. The fragmentary texts and images grope for the meaning of the void, trying to imagine its impossible forms. This issue was published in conjunction with the exhibition Void, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art.

  • ISSN 2234-5108
  • Text in Korean
  • 11,000 won

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If the text partially responds to the space of the museum, the incompletely mimetic typography partially responds to the text.




Ob.scene, no.2

Ob.scene, no.1, front cover