- 2016
- offset lithograph
- 70 x 100 cm
On Posters explored various ways that contemporary Korean graphic designers reflect on the poster as a medium. Our contribution to the fundamentally “meta” exhibition was a poster that can actually be used to promote the show. We titled our piece Professionalism, and it presents the participants of the show as twenty-six professional wrestlers:
Professional wrestling (colloquially abbreviated to pro wrestling or wrestling) is an athletic form of entertainment based on a portrayal of a combat sport. … The content including match outcomes is choreographed and the combative actions and reactions are executed in special manners designed to both protect from, yet simulate, pain. … By and large, the true nature of the content is ignored by the performing promotion in official media in order to sustain and promote the willing suspension of disbelief for the audience by maintaining an aura of verisimilitude. Fan communications by individual wrestlers and promotions through outside media (i.e., interviews) will often directly acknowledge the fictional nature of the spectacle, making the predetermined nature of the sport something of an open secret. (Wikipedia, 2016)
- Project type:
- poster
- Typefaces:
- Druk Condensed
- Yoon Gothic
- Paper:
- Magic Color
- Commissioner:
- Propaganda Press