





    Serpentine Pavilion 2024: Archipelagic Void: Mass Studies

    Exhibition catalog

Designed by Cho Minsuk and his practice Mass Studies, Serpentine Pavilion 2024 Archipelagic Void comprises five “islands” around a central circular void. Each “island” is unique in size, height, and form, serving a different purpose. This publication brings together voices from across architecture, art, dance, music, and poetry to reflect on themes related to the Pavilion’s design. Also included is an extensive interview between the architect and Hans Ulrich Obrist, which introduces Cho’s practice and traces the research, development, and ideas behind this year’s Pavilion.

Inspired by the the unique decentralized structure of the Pavilion, this catalog consists of five booklets, each of which serves a different function: introduction, interview, discussions on void and convergence, reflections on Cho’s works, and a photographic documentation of the Pavilion. The colors used on the booklets’ covers reflect the ones found in and around the Pavilion. The thread sewing adds a sense of craft and softness to the robust industrial production. A conceptual diagram of the Pavilion is placed on the covers, rotating each time for a different view.

The typography plays with various central alignment axes. The text typeface is Dover Text, a contemporary type family designed by Robin Mientjes based on some of the most iconic British models, including Caslon and Johnston. The title face is Thorowgood Grotesque by Commercial Type, a modern interpretation of the nineteenth-century British condensed sans-serif types.


Photographs © 2024 Tomas Rydin, readsreads.info