Front cover

    TeamLab: Life

    Exhibition catalog

Published in conjunction with a large-scale exhibition of the Japanese media art group TeamLab, this book attempts to reconstruct the show’s immersive experience. Each of the mega-scale interactive video installations is treated with a series of full-bleed photographs, which are arranged around a gatefold. The double-sided gatefold draws the reader closer and closer to the work as it unfolds: when fully unfolded, it shows an enlarged detail of the work, recreating the feeling of being inside the installation.

The theme of immersion is repeated in the cover, too. In contrast with the image-laden inside, the cover consists of stark, black-and-white typography only. The text is repeated across the surface, creating a continuous typographic landscape. The framing of the front cover renders the title readable while showing only a part of the whole field.

Front cover flap and half-title pageTitle-page spreadDouble-page spreadDouble-page spreadDouble-page spread with half-opened gatefoldFully opened gatefoldDouble-page spread with half-opened gatefoldDouble-page spreadDouble-page spreadDouble-page spread

Unfolded cover